China: Adventures Discoveries Amusements

Monday, October 1, 2012

Throw up the Peace Sign and say Eggplant!

I love photography. And everyone loves to be photographed. 

Although stereotypes are unfair, the Chinese really do love to throw up the peace sign at any and every opportunity you give them- especially when posing for a photo. 

Comically I didn’t realize until recently that they were not sporting the bunny ears gesture so popular from my middle school days.  I should have realized that when the bunny ears fingers move in front of the body, instead of bobbing behind some unknowing and foolish friends head, then it becomes the peace sign- in all situations. Regardless of my own ignorance, the peace sign has been popping up all over town, here in Beijing. 

Although I personally think it’s corny, it is also an endearing cultural phenomenon in China. It makes you smile when anywhere from school children to costumed street performers to gentle old men throw up the classic peace sign and wait for the flash. 

That is before you count to three- which sounds like ‘ee’ ‘R’ ‘saan’- and everyone gleefully screams out: EGGPLANT! (in Chinese to me it sounds like ‘Chee-ed Za’). I guess yelling ‘cheese’ in America sounds just as funny.

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