China: Adventures Discoveries Amusements

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Marvels of Wangfujing Snack Street

So I like food. And snacks. And kebabs (pronounced ‘chwar’ here in China). But nothing could prepare me for the obscene sensory overload that hits you as you walk through the ornate Chinese gate that crowns Wangfujing’s tucked away Snack Street. Although set back from the rest of the sprawling high end commercial avenue- the snack street’s hidden location is obvious by the hoards of Chinese visitors flocking toward its entrance.

H&M and Rolex fade away as the street narrows and the crush of bodies dangerously wield their pointy kebab sticks in your direction- distracted by the 10,000 other writhing creatures skewered and grilled in moments before their eyes. I’m talking scorpions the length of your pinkie to the size of a mans fist, bugs and weevils I don’t care to know the name of, ornate sea creatures like starfish and sea horses (which I’m sure are grotesquely crunchy), whole lizards stretched like flying squirrels, snake and rabbit meat.

Do you fancy a bird? Whole? One vendor was amused at my photo snapping so he decided to snap me!~ with the beak of one of his cherry red skewered pigeons! A nice peck right on the forehead. Needless to say I shrieked, bystanders died laughing, and my iphone almost ended up on the grill. 

We moved on to sparrows, snails of all sizes, stinky tofu and bottom feeders. We smiled at the candy twirler, grimaced at the bowls heaped with spiny intestines, and ogled the misty teas, candied fruit and colorful (probably foul) dumplings.

I was happy to look and document, so I am sorry to report to everyone’s eager ears that none of the writhing scorpions (already on their death sticks) contorted my taste buds. Every kind of sick gastronomic fantasy was on display and ready to be eaten- it was a thrill just to wander through the madness.


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