China: Adventures Discoveries Amusements

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sean Kingston ~ Island Flavor in Beijing

It seems improbable, but Sean Kingston actually appeared in Beijing last weekend performing for a live audience at a small yet flashy club named Le Nest. Psyched for some island flavor in land locked Beijing, I jumped at the free tickets a friend offered to attend the event. With video screens, mirrors and metallic covering every surface, Le Nest is an easy place to get subsumed by nightlife splendor and sin. After arriving we elbowed our way into the packed club, I rejoiced that there was finally some racial diversity back in my life (three quarters of the crowd was black), grabbed a table and ordered the club classic whiskey tea. A Korean pop performer climbed onto a small raised platform near us and began to serenade our party as large flashing glow in the dark wands spread throughout the crowd.

Considerable carrying on later, Sean Kingston stormed onto stage. A friend and I tried to squeeze through the crowd, but it was impenetrable so instead we snaked our way to a booth on stage right and danced on the plush the whole set. Sean sang his classics, gave the crowd a lot of island love, and we had to be restrained from crowd surfing. Even the post show dancing was epic- everyone was on a Caribbean high, and I definitely felt right at home in a mix between China and the islands.

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