China: Adventures Discoveries Amusements

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Bit of Color & Way Too Many Postcards

When Julia and I moved into our apartment a few months ago it was clean but devoid of color and personality. Two weeks of fanatic postcard and poster collecting changed everything. Determined to make our place feel like home I slowly pasted the walls in my usual hectic collage style. Julia appreciated a bit of color on the walls and was gracious and tolerant when I went overboard, typical Zan. All of the postcards I used were free at gallery openings or gathered from design stores in the 798 Art District where I work- thus some of our decorations are fairly strange and others jarringly colorful. Julia, thank you for tolerating my love of bizarre art! Best of all, our previously unmarked door now cannot be missed, thanks to Halloween décor and a giant collaged apartment number.  Finally I had to stop obsessively collecting colorful bits for fear of completely overdoing it. 

Here is an update of what our living space looks like now!

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